Whois Database Download by WhoisXMLAPI Review
Whois Database Download by Whois API Inc provides latest records in great quality and well-parsed form backed by a huge data of Whois records. Also, tons of database varients helps save money. On the top, the company behind this product is well reputed and trusted by top brands and personally, I rely on it.
Liquid Web Announces Managed WooCommerce Hosting Beginner Plan
Liquid WebΒ has optimized their Managed WooComerce Hosting plans to offer a beginner plan starting at $39 only. This is super cool especially for those who couldn’t afford an expensive hosting to kick-start their online stores. The best thing is that they have not compromised the quality of services in this less amount.
ipstack Review β Geolocate And Identify Your Website Visitors
ipstack is a well-thought and greatly-build product to help you locate and grab user information via IP addresses. Features like great documentation, amazing support, and incredible response time definitely add to its value. And the fact that it’s trusted by the names likeΒ Microsoft,Β Airbnb, and SamsungΒ also makes a huge difference.
Email Verification API by WhoisXMLAPI Review
If you own a product, send a newsletter, or handle users like I do for myself and my clients, you would know that email verification is an integral part of managing emails. The Email Verification API by WhoIsXMLAPI is a solid email validation API which makes use of an extensive WhoIs database combined with smart algorithms to validate the email addresses. It checks the given email address against multiple layers to verify it. Also, it fights the spam and disposable email addresses as well.