TheDevCouple is a registered brand under the WGA LLC run by Ahmad Awais and Maedah Batool. We are able to hire developer apprentices to help us cover the news, write guides and to contribute FOSS (free & open source software) with the help of our partners. It’s also how everyone on the TheDevCouple team contributes to the WordPress core. Take a look at the team members at below. Say 👋 to us on Twitter.
I help businesses understand developers Just launched Node.js CLI Automation Course
Edutainer at
An award-winning GitHub Star open-source engineer & advocate
Google Developers Expert Web DevRel
Node.js foundation Community Committee Outreach Lead
Author of various open-source dev-tools and software libraries used by millions of developers worldwide ⓦ WordPress Core Developer
TEDx Speaker
Leading developers and publishing technical content for over a decade
Loves his wife (Maedah) ❯ Learn more →
👋 Say Hi to him on Twitter — @MrAhmadAwais
Favorite Emoji: 🔥 🥳 😂
Maedah Batool is a WordPress Core Contributor, Journalist, Developer & a teacher. She created a tech-training startup called FinkTanks through which last year alone she has taught 300+ girls how to code with WordPress. After her startup FinkTanks got acquired, she's been working as the Creative Director — spreading the word about WordPress and teaching people about freelancing. Maedah & Awais got married in Dec, 2016.
👋 Say Hi to her on Twitter — @MaedahBatool
Favorite Emoji: ⚡️ 🚀 🎉
A WordPress Developer and Core Contributor with a computer science degree. Ashar has a deep understanding of front-end tech and he creates professional themes and plugins when not contributing to the open source community.
👋 Say Hi to him on Twitter — @MrAsharIrfan
Favorite Emoji: 🙌 📦 🎊
Saqib Ameen
WordPress Translation Editor, Designer & Developer. Student of computer science at UET and part of the TheDevCouple Editorial Team. Getting serious about writing, open source software, and WordPress community.
👋 Say Hi to him on Twitter — @MrSaqibAmeen
Favorite Emoji: 🎩 💻 ✌
Saad Irfan
JavaScript developer. An MLH '20 fellow, Jr. Dev Advocate, former Google's Developer Student Clubs Lead, Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador, Technical Writer, Speaker, and a Guitarist.
👋 Say Hi to him on Twitter — @mSaadDev
Favorite Emoji: 🚀 💯 😛